Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Teaching Toddlers Cycling Tips

Motor development of children aged 3-4 years had reached maturity in the coordination. They seemed eager to explore their physical abilities. His enthusiasm could be seen from his desire to learn to ride a bike two wheels, which are suitable for toddlers after he was 3 years old. For the first time maybe you can introduce them to the burley bee bike trailer (one example bike trailer). This will happy  their hearts. This tip teaches toddlers cycling :
• Remove the pedals. The balance is the essence of skill to ride a bike two rods. According to Rich Conroy, manager of Bike New York, a cycling club in the U.S. study, how to effectively train the balance while learning to ride is to ride a bike without pedals. Let your child's feet planted on the ground / asphalt to learn to balance on the bike.
• Train the balance. Encourage toddlers to move the bike (without pedals) on the road using both feet planted on the asphalt. Do it until he is confident, comfortable, and control balance. The next stage, when the bike is running, ask a toddler occasionally lifting both feet from the asphalt-align many times until he mastered the balance on the bike is running.
• the correct starting position. The best position before the start pedaling: bike ride, left foot planted on the asphalt, right foot on the pedal with the pedal position on the ata (jam2 needle direction). That way, when the child begins to pedal, right pedal dikayuh first, left foot up to the left pedal at the right moment.
• Stop right. Many children stop the bike by lowering the rate of one foot so that the drag until the bike stops. Avoid! Teach children to use the brakes, and lower legs after the bike stops. Another technique, pedal pedal in the opposite direction so that the speed is reduced.